Sidney Sheldon's "After The Darkness"
Grace Brookstein lived a luxurious lifestyle despite the economic free fall in the US. Then suddenly her billionaire husband Lenny mysteriously disappeares in a tragic sailing accident. Along with Lenny's disappearance, Lenny's hedge fund, the Quorum, that has a $75 billion investment is also missing and everyone believes that Grace stole the money. She was convicted and imprisoned. Grace believed that she is framed. Now alone and no one to turn to, she is determined to find out who is framing her and is desperate for revenge.
About the Author
Tilly Bagshawe upset the nuns at her catholic girls' boarding school by getting pregnant unexpectedly at seventeen. Expelled but undaunted, she gave birth to a beautiful daughter alone and went on to Cambridge University as a single mom, taking her baby with her. Tilly had a successful career in finance before fulfilling her dream of becoming a writer. Now married with two more children, she lives in Los Angeles and London. In addition to her bestselling novels, Tilly has contributed to numerous British newspapers and magazines including Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Elle, The Sunday Times, The Times and The Daily Mail.
Giá sản phẩm niêm yết của Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Sidney Sheldon's "After The Darkness" trên các sàn TMĐT đã bao gồm thuế theo luật hiện hành. Tuy nhiên tuỳ vào từng loại sản phẩm hoặc phương thức, địa chỉ giao hàng mà có thể phát sinh thêm chi phí khác như phí vận chuyển, phụ phí hàng cồng kềnh, ...
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